Brian Sutton MS, MA
Product Manager, Instructional Designer, Author, Fitness Professional
Professional ​
An accomplished product manager, instructional designer, author, editor, and fitness practitioner with over 12 years’ experience creating best-in-class eLearning education and certification programs. Designer and developer of highly interactive and engaging curricula to meet the needs of today’s student; specializing in health and fitness topics. Performs gap analysis reviews of course materials to ensure the usage of sound instructional design principles. Experience performing market research to effectively manage lifecycles of educational products.
National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), Chandler, AZ
Content Development and Production Manager
September 2017 - Present
â–ª Build industry-leading certification and continuing education products on time and within budget, including NASM's Certified Personal Trainer and NASM's Nutrition Certification
â–ª Manage multiple projects with overlapping timelines and resource and budget constraints
â–ª Manage, train, and motivate Instructional Designers and Content Development Coordinator staff
â–ª Responsible for implementing initiatives to improve student retention, and sit and pass rates for certification exams
â–ª Recruit and oversee Subject Matter Experts contracted to write educational content
â–ª Work closely with IT team to implement improvements in UX/UI for eLearning courses
â–ª Organize, schedule, and direct large-scale photo and video shoots
â–ª Provide training services for NASM coaches, sales, marketing, and customer service staff
â–ª Host 60-minute weekly webinars teaching content to NASM students
​Flipswitch/StrongMind, Chandler, AZ
Curriculum Developer / Instructional Designer
November 2015 - Present
â–ª Design custom eLearning for 6-12 grade educational programs to meet teacher and student needs
â–ª Lead the content team, improving the efficiency of content production and processes
â–ª Spearhead new content authoring initiatives using Backwards Design methodology
â–ª Collaborate with Subject Matter Experts to author, edit and revise learning materials
â–ª Proficient in high school state standards and Common Core
• Author of assessments including, projects, discussions, drag and drop, matching, multiple-choice, and fill-in-the-blank
• Perform gap analysis reviews of course materials to ensure learning objectives are met
• Create engaging storyboards and scripts for eLearning modules
• Proficient in blooms taxonomy, instructional design models, pedagogy, and psychometrics
• Proficient in ADDIE and backward design instructional design models
California University of Pennsylvania, California, PA
Adjunct Faculty: Exercise Science and Sports Studies Department
October: 2010 - September 2018
â–ª Adjunct faculty for online Bachelor of Science and Master of Science programs in Exercise Science
â–ª Skillful in exam development (psychometrics), pedagogy, and instructional design models
â–ª Develop and update online curricula to enhance student participation and success
â–ª Expertise in Learning Management Systems (LMS); Desire 2 Learn, Moodle, Absorb
â–ª Instrumental in providing high-quality educational experiences via distance learning methods
â–ª Demonstrate excellent communication and time management skills
Silkweb Consulting and Development, Phoenix, AZ
Contract Instructional Designer
June 2015 - November 2015
â–ª Analyze, design, and develop learning materials for K-12 and university programs
• Perform gap analysis reviews of course materials to ensure learning objectives are met
• Create engaging storyboards and scripts for eLearning modules
• Author of interactive assessments including drag and drop, matching, multiple-choice, and fill-in-the-blank
National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), Chandler, AZ
Director of Content Development / Executive Product Manager
September 2010 - May 2015
â–ª The creator of NASM’s Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) 4th Edition; $35 million product
â–ª Build industry-leading certification and continuing education, products on time and within budget
â–ª Manage multiple projects with overlapping timelines and resource and budget constraints
â–ª Manage, train, and motivate Content Development Coordinator staff
â–ª Recruit and oversee Subject Matter Experts contracted to write educational content
â–ª Plan, organize and host focus groups, surveys, and offsite meetings for market research purposes
â–ª Design, author, and edit study guides, lesson plans, syllabi, and PowerPoint lecture presentations
â–ª Proficient in ADDIE instructional design model
â–ª Organize, schedule, and direct large-scale photo and video shoots
â–ª A company representative and Subject Matter Expert for reporter inquiries and interviews
â–ª Content expert, writer, and liaison for marketing, sales and customer service departments
â–ª Presenter at leading fitness industry events and conferences
â–ª Expert in NCCA accreditation standards and application processes
â–ª Manage research initiatives performed at UNC-Chapel Hill Sports Medicine Research Institute
National Academy of Sports Medicine, Mesa, AZ
Content Development Coordinator
August 2007- August 2010
â–ª Work with Director of Education to develop education courses from initiation to launch
â–ª Primary scriptwriter for eLearning modules
â–ª Update content, references, multimedia, and assessments of existing eLearning products
â–ª Edit content created by Subject Matter Experts to ensure it follows evidenced-based practices
â–ª Responsible for successfully implementing new quality assurance processes
â–ª Content expert and liaison for marketing and sales teams
â–ª Presenter at leading fitness industry events and conferences
National Academy of Sports Medicine, Mesa, AZ
Education Support Representative
January 2006 – August 2007
â–ª Provide guidance and assistance for candidates attempting to pass NASM examinations
â–ª Tutor/mentor students and professionals regarding health and fitness topics via phone and email
â–ª Member of three task forces: Quality Assurance, Certification Passing Rate, Customer Experience
â–ª Ensure NASM courses are approved for Continuing Education Units (CEU) with various health and fitness organizations (ACE, NSCA, BOC, and AFAA)
â–ª Teach 2-day hands-on fitness workshops (up to 100 students per workshop)
â–ª Teach Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) curricula to NASM employees
National Academy of Sports Medicine, Calabasas, CA
Education Advisor (Sales Representative)
November 2004 - January 2006
â–ª Register and enroll students in certification and continuing education programs
â–ª Average 65-100 incoming and outbound sales calls per day
â–ª Responsible for and successfully meet a monthly sales quota
â–ª Provide career and academic advice for current and prospective fitness professionals
â–ª Provide excellent customer service
â–ª Contact professionals regarding NASM events and certification opportunities
â–ª Follow-up with inquiries from trade shows and events
Certified Personal Trainer / Martial Arts Instructor
â–ª 24-Hour Fitness, Glendale CA (Summer 2004)
â–ª Oakridge Athletic Club, Simi Valley, CA (Summer 2003)
â–ª Independent (in-home) personal trainer (2003-2004)
â–ª University of California Santa Barbara Recreation Center, Santa Barbara, CA (1997-2000)
â–ª Martial Arts Instructor- Karazenpo Karate Club, Gilroy, CA (1991-2000)
â–ª Product Management
â–ª Instructional Design
â–ª Content Development
â–ª Market Research
â–ª eLearning Storyboards
â–ª Writing / Copy-editing
â–ª Quality Assurance
â–ª Exam Development
â–ª LMS Systems
â–ª Teaching
â–ª Public Speaking
â–ª Kinesiology
â–ª Exercise Physiology
â–ª Personal Training
â–ª Nutrition
â–ª Clark M, Sutton B, Lucett S. McGill E, Montel I. NASM Essentials of Essentials of Personal Fitness Training. 6th Ed. 2017, Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
â–ª Clark M, Sutton B, Lucett S. NASM Essentials of Sports Performance Training. 1st Ed. Revised 2015, Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
â–ª Clark M, Sutton B, Lucett S. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training. 4th Ed. Revised 2014, Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
â–ª Clark M, Sutton B, Lucett S. NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training. 1st Ed. Revised 2014, Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning
â–ª Sutton B, Ramsdell S, Wallace T. MMA Conditioning Specialist. 2013, Chandler, AZ: National Academy of Sports Medicine.
â–ª Sutton B, Comana, F, Lucett S. Weight Loss Specialist. 2013, Chandler, AZ: National Academy of Sports Medicine.
â–ª Sutton B, Comana, F. Group Personal Training Specialist. 2013, Chandler, AZ: National Academy of Sports Medicine.
â–ª Sutton B, Cochrane S. Golf Fitness Specialist. 2012, Chandler, AZ: National Academy of Sports Medicine.
â–ª Clark M, Lucett S, Sutton B. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training. 4th Ed. 2012, Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
â–ª Clark M, Lucett S, Sutton B. Study Guide to Accompany NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training. 2011, Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
â–ª Clark M, Lucett S, Sutton B. Study Guide to Accompany NASM Essentials of Sports Performance Training. 2010, Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
â–ª NASM- Certified Nutrition Coach
â–ª NSCA- Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
â–ª Precision Nutrition- Pn Level 1 Nutrition Coach
â–ª ACE- Fitness Nutrition Specialist
â–ª NASM- Certified Personal Trainer
â–ª NASM- Corrective Exercise Specialist
â–ª NASM- Performance Enhancement Specialist
â–ª NASM- Weight Loss Specialist
â–ª NASM- Fitness Nutrition Specialist
â–ª NASM- Behavior Change Specialist
â–ª NASM- Senior Fitness Specialist
â–ª NASM- Youth Exercise Specialist
â–ª NASM- Women's Fitness Specialist
â–ª NASM- MMA Conditioning Specialist
â–ª NASM- Golf Fitness Specialist
â–ª NASM- Group Personal Training Specialist
Master of Science, Exercise Science and Health Promotion (4.0 GPA)
California University of Pennsylvania, California, PA
Master of Arts, Sport and Fitness Management
University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Bachelor of Arts, Communication, Minor Sport Management
University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA